Dear Colleagues Aviators,
The airfield of S. Darius and S. Girenas in Kaunas celebrates the 95th anniversary of establishment this year. This aerodrome is exclusive not only for being the oldest working airfield in Europe but also for its deep influence in the development of the Lithuanian aviation. A short historical review presents some important facts:
The Lithuanian Military Aviation was formed and developed here at the period of 1919-1940.
Lithuanian Air Club started the flights, formed the squadron of Sport Aviation and based the establishment of the Civil Aviation here in 1927.
The Civil Aviation has been established in 1938. The flights in destination Kaunas-Palanga-Kaunas started from here.
The first aviation competition took place for the first time in Lithuania in 1938. The best pilots, gliders, model aeronautics competed here.
The first Baltic States Sport Aviation competition was organized here in 1939.
Together with the changes of political situation, after the break of 50 years the Baltic States Sport Aviation competition was organized again in 1989.
Willing to strengthen the communication between the aviators of different countries, we would like to invite you gather all together at the airfield of S. Darius and S. Girenas at 17 th July, 2010. The main interest of this gathering is the variety of the airplanes, the different nationalities, and the possibility to communicate with each other. Let’s create the small aviation town in the field of the aerodrome: with the streets, boulevards, inns, workshops, and schools. Everyone who enjoys the flight will have a chance to watch, talk, learn and fly! It does not matter witch type of aviation you admire. As more enthusiasts respond to our invitation, that much bigger impression will be achieved.
As mentioned before, the most important idea of this gathering is the communication. So let’s communicate! We will enjoy if you share your ideas and thoughts! We are waiting for your remarks, suggestions and questions by email: or by phone +370 37 391548.
Looking forward to seeing you in July!
Eugenijus Raubickas,
Director of S. Darius and S. Girenas Aerodrome